customer satisfaction

How Empowered Customers can make a difference to your Business

 In today's digital age, the lines between the physical store and digital experience have vanished. There has been a complete shift as the brick-and-mortar store experience, and multi-digital channels are governed by customer behavior, engagement, and expectations. Businesses earlier focused just on reaching customers, and it was more than enough for customer connect.

Customers and businesses have come a long way from the era of production and sales with limited offerings and choices to the interconnected world we inhabit today filled with information, opinions, and knowledge. It influences customer choices, behaviors, needs, and expectations. As a result, it has a significant say on the organization's quality, nature of experience, and deliverables.

Today's digital age and the interconnected world have ensured that the customer has more information about different brands, products, and services. Customers share information about their choices and viewpoints, and hence their point of view is essential even while designing the products and services. It is the era of "Empowered Customer" who are better informed and have a necessary voice on how businesses and brands work.

 "Customer Loyalty" is a significant outcome of "Empowered Customer" essential for businesses' short-term and long-term growth. It ensures that the customers will buy or use existing services and try more products/services. Furthermore, those products/services shall be per customer needs and expectations and lead to positive word of mouth, emotions, and references. 


"Empowered Customer" for Businesses

 Customers have huge expectations from businesses. With the information and knowledge, customers now seek more control. They like to connect with organizations that share their values and provide products/services that are truly unique and innovative. 

 From a business perspective, "Empowered Customers" is the process of providing customers with the tools and resources to help them achieve their goals. In addition, it enhances customer experience as customers feel in control, and they can trust the organization as the deliverables are as their needs and expectations.

 Research studies show that customers are happier with a brand experience when the companies make efforts to help customers make informed choices. And, this rapport leads to improvements in customer retention as well as opportunities to encourage customer advocacy. It is essentially a differentiation strategy to ensure that the customers stick around and buy more products/services."


But, as a brand, how would you know to make it happen? 

It happens for you when your customers voluntarily provide you with suggestions to improve. They provide businesses with ideas and celebrate their successes as their own. Empowered Customers own and spread the word about an organization's products/services to their peers with enthusiasm. And solicit upgrades in products and services.

Hence, through this blog, we outline three vital steps on how businesses can work with and "Empower Customer" in their strategy, deliverables for business growth, and success.

1.Listen and Listen through aligned Feedback systems to understand

  "Listen to your Customers" is and has to be the first mantra in today's digital and connected age. Therefore, it is a good idea to allow customers and create platforms to talk about their thoughts, woes, and feelings while experiencing products and services from the organization.

Few tips

  •  Use social media to understand, listen, and let your customers put their opinions, points of view, and frustrations across. It is a great way to listen to your customers. Facebook, Twitter, and a platform to connect can help a business, your brand to know what is in their minds and what kind of emotion is being felt by the customers.

  • Collect feedback at regular intervals of time. It can be transactional feedback after every or random interaction or cumulative feedback to assess the overall experience over a time frame. The idea is to be open to listening to understand and take action.

Create a feedback system including sending customers surveys to ask them to describe their experience and whether they'd recommend it to their peers. As a decision-maker for your brand, you can use NPS and Customer Effort Score tools to see how satisfied customers are with your company. 

 There are numerous feedback tools to utilize, and you can visit us at to know more about the feedback process and its implementation.


  • For positive feedback, follow up with participants to see if they'd be willing to provide a testimonial. You can then post that review to your website for potential leads to see. For negative feedback, consider it as an opportunity for your Business to prevent customer churn. Reach out to these participants and ask them to provide more details about their experience. 

  • Closing the feedback loop is an essential follow-up of listening to customers. It is to humbly and graciously accept the customer's thoughts, feelings, and experiences and open more avenues to improve.


2. Understand Customer's Journey

Understanding Customer's Journey is an opportunity to provide relevant and correct information at crucial touchpoints to enhance customer's experience and product/service satisfaction. Empowering customers through more details and carefully designed products/services is a great way to improve positive emotion.

 You can also utilize Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) as a tool(CJM). It is a tool that is excessively used today across industries. CJM by definition, is a visual representation of every experience a customer has with a brand/organization across touchpoints. It's a story of the experience derived from a customer's engagement culminating in a relationship with the organization.

 Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) helps create a cumulative understanding by bringing diverse thoughts, opinions, and expectations and synergizing on who the customer is and what it means to the organization's mission and vision. The process helps gather valuable insights into the consumer's feelings, motivations, expectations, questions or concerns at every interaction point through well-researched Personas. 

 You can get more details on Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) by clicking the blog here

 Few tips

  •  Identify the crucial touchpoints and moments that matter to enhance customer's positive emotions and experience. For instance, the on-boarding of a customer once they purchase a product from a brand. It is a critical stage that can retain your customer, and they might also go and talk negatively about you or may bring more references for the positive emotion experienced.

  • If your product is complex or takes time to master, informing them of the key steps to use it will help them save time and enhance their satisfaction.

  • Enhance personalization in your experience design by understanding the data and the patterns around- which customers prefer which platform- what kind of personalization will help the customer to make an informed choice. For example, e-commerce companies recommending products basis people who had similar tastes. Even the reviews are an opportunity with thoughts for everyone to read. Customers who feel supported by a business are also more loyal. 

 3. It's All About Engagement. 

It's no longer about keeping brand conversations in silos. Over time, marketing, sales, and services that earlier operated in their silos now work together in complete harmony. Thus, a service call is an opportunity to increase brand loyalty. A promotion to engage super-fans can turn brand advocates into customers/salespeople. At every touchpoint -there's an opportunity to connect with the Customers and empower them with information and tools.

 "Empowering Customers" means not just focusing on the excellent product features to beat the competition. It means delivering over and beyond and retaining customers and calls for an understanding of customer behavior and their emotional drivers. We will agree that the "make" or break" decisions in any relationship are triggered by an emotional impulse, and the consumer-brand relationship is no different. Customer Loyalty built on a strong foundation of "Trust" is one of the key variables to know how your consumers associate with the brand. 

You can read more about Relooking at Customer Experience with New Lens by reading our blog by clicking here

 Few tips

  • Initiate conversation with customers on social media by sharing valuable advice, thoughts to create a positive emotion.

  • Manage change by providing information to customers regarding products/services, what to expect and how to use them. So the usage depth and its impact can be understood by customers leading to more engagement.

  • Engage to understand if your product and services are supporting your customers to meet their goals. Helping them to grow because will make them hold your brand. Provide guidance, content, and extra information to build understanding and engagement.

  • Enhance engagement by understanding the reasons for negative emotions or "customer churn," as we call. Pay attention to product usage decrease, features not used, etc. Customers do not want to be told and asked, "Use this and that".Rather more engagement can be turned in by understanding customer behavior and simply asking what they need. It opens opportunities for brands and businesses to enhance engagement to "Empower Customers."


So what are you doing to empower your customers? Let us know by commenting here or writing to us at contact


How feedback is an effective tool for Business Success 

Feedback is an essential tool to build a person's leadership, empathy, and communication skills by listening, identifying, and acting on thoughts, feeling, and experiences. Feedback is underrated both for the transformation of individual skills and importance in a business. It is a process to listen and understand ways, actionable to make things better. Feedback is instrumental for actionable insights in a business by capturing customers'’ feelings, thoughts, and expectations across the complete journey.

 If feedback is such an essential ingredient to becoming better both from an individual and business point of view, then why is it not that utilized? Why do organizations yet have to wake up to this underrated tool to organize, scale-up, innovate, and enhance customer engagement, including internal and external customers? Is it lethargy in collecting feedback or simply ignorance in the process and its importance? Most of the time, it is both, and we, through this blog, are trying to reason out an effective way to collect feedback and how it impacts business success.

One of the primary reasons for the lack of utilization of the feedback process is that feedback collected doesn't yield many actionable inputs for the business. We often discover that intensely critical feedback that is awkward and harsh can have a detrimental effect on the business plans for employees and suppliers. In the times of the digital age, when data and each interaction provide some input as feedback, this sleuth of data and the sheer thought of collecting and making sense of it usually overwhelms decision-makers and organizations. So ignorance for the feedback process or simply getting defensive in understanding the intent has become a common norm.

Feedback in today's time can give insights to a business to enhance customer satisfaction, product improvement through innovation and by designing new ways, features, approaches, and even enhancing customer support. For instance, think about creating a website and utilizing the feedback of a representative group to assess the flow, patterns, and ease in usage to enhance customer satisfaction through the website. Sounds exciting and needs focus and discipline by the business to invite and use feedback in improving its deliverables while also remaining vigilant to the feedback giver’s perspective and time. Usually, the absence of this crucial feedback diminishes the chances of customer engagement.

Feedback also collected to make performance better usually gets hindered due to its limited scope. Research proves that feedback if taken to improve performance doesn't help much as thoughts and feelings are limited by customers' knowledge, understanding, and unconscious biases. More data points and then averaging those improve the learnings from the feedback process. But most of the time, it is limited because more data points improve the random error in the data but not the systematic error. By definition, random error is one time, out-of-turn error due to chance; hence the statistical and thoughtful process can eliminate it.

In contrast, systematic error is a part of the process and can have far more ramifications to improve. Systematic errors are part of the process and not by chance. Thus, a feedback process through an objective viewpoint and process while considering the various biases and errors can provide a business with actionable inputs for action through their digital interactions and structured feedback collection process including cumulative and transactional ones.

We highlight three tenets through this blog to improve the feedback for actionable inputs. 

Use feedback with the Intent to listen and understand

Intent on why the feedback is being captured and analyzed makes all the difference. Customers, both internal and external, share experiences and feelings when describing an event, an occurrence, and a transaction while interacting with a business through a touchpoint. Hence along with scores, the open-ended questions are instrumental in analyzing what is working and why so? 

When captured with Intent to understand, improve and get better, feedback will always find takers and the candid view from employees, customers, and suppliers. There will be candid, harsh truths that can be detrimental to business motivation and plans. This doesn't mean at all that harsh feedback should be discouraged or should be constructively put aside. Instead, it will need an objective, outcome-based analysis to filter, analyze the feedback, and correlate with other indicators to utilize for actionable inputs.

Importance of feedback Process

 There are a lot of tools that are utilized by businesses, including "Voice of Customer," "Customer Satisfaction," "Live chat," "Social Media Interaction," "NPS," or simple "email" surveys with different modalities and Intent to capture. All are instrumental at different points of time to listen, analyze and act. For instance, NPS is used to analyze the pulse of customer feedback by first a score-based question and then an open-ended question to find the reason for the same.

 1. Seeking feedback in real-time or when the event is happening, or you just completed the execution can have different viewpoints due to time-lapse and various biases that come into action. Insights in real-time by different stakeholders are instrumental in gauging the friction during performances, interactions, and corresponding emotions.

2. Language, too, can make a lot of difference. So instead of just asking if there is any feedback for me, more thoughts can be assessed by the business by asking how they can improve the product/service deliverables.

- What was worked for the customers?

- What was that which needs more work?

Effective feedback is about Intent, context as it is about remaining open to listen and receive. Thus finding the reasons behind the scores is more important than dashboards to show where and how the organizational deliverables provide an impact.

Closing the feedback loop

 An essential part of a feedback process is about closing the feedback loop. 

Closing the feedback loop means the following –

1. It is to humbly and graciously accept the thoughts, feelings, and experiences shared by the customer, including internal and external, for their interaction through the entire customer journey. More quantity or more feedback pointers will slowly support in enhancing the quality of actionable inputs.

2. Creating a follow-up implementation and action plan after scrutinizing the relevant information in an unbiased manner without errors will support achieving the business objective.

3. Communicating the resultant action plans to the customers who gave feedback is the most crucial part to close the feedback loop and to keep the loop open for more candid feedback in the future. It is also true in complaints or regular interaction on social media or feedback for a relevant tool to business.

 Actionable input for business will improve deliverables, clarify objectives to employees, and identify touch-points where deliverables faltered for the customers. Feedback at the business ideation stage improves innovation as product/service can be tuned in as per customer needs, expectations, thus enhancing the chances of creating the right product-market fit. Feedback is instrumental for business success through more engaged employees, customers, decision-makers, and above all, deliverables to ensure the business remains agile to achieve its objectives. 

 Write to us to know more about feedback, and how it can support your business success at contact







   10 Signs to Know if you have Won a Loyal Customer  Customer – Vendor relationships are often treated as guarded, professional, and more transactional. Looking at today’s dynamic market behavior and so many options available for anyone to

10 Signs to Know if you have Won a Loyal Customer

Customer – Vendor relationships are often treated as guarded, professional, and more transactional. Looking at today’s dynamic market behavior and so many options available for anyone to choose from, this belief is sure going to impede your business success.

Bottom line is that if we need to stand out in the market and continue to grow our client base, we must start looking at customers as humans and treat them so! The relationship with your clients is no different and calls for attention, as you would give to any other engagement. The parameters and boundaries may surely be firmer but with a commitment to deliver with a full understanding of their emotions and needs/expectations.

Like we said in the beginning, any relationship to develop requires our full attention and understanding. We know that most of the time a few behavioral signs have a lot to suggest about the parties involved in a relationship. If we are alert and mindful in our interactions with the client, we could easily know if we are on the right track with them or if we need to work differently or something that needs to change and make this engagement, long-term and reliable!

So here are 10 signs to look for in your customer interactions and find out if they love you back and you have won a loyal customer

How Customer Journey Mapping stands out as a starting point for your Customer Experience Management Initiative

How Customer Journey Mapping stands out as a starting point  for your Customer Experience Management Initiative

Customer Journey Map(CJM) is a tool that is excessively used today across industries for all sectors because of its proven benefits in all these years. CJM is a visual representation of every experience a customer has with a brand/organization across touch-points. It’s a story of the experience derived from customer’s engagement culminating into a relationship with the organization.

While the technique is evolving and usage has increased over time, the practicality and objectivity of it is still debated. Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) when is offered as a solution, its return on investment and sustainable implementation is always a most critical pointer that needs a mention.

Business Success for E- Commerce Portal – a perspective through Customer Experience Management

Business Success for E- Commerce Portal – a perspective through Customer Experience Management

Today, an online presence is equated with the company’s identity. Research and Practice reveal that active online presence increases customer base, deepens customer relationships and gives a positive boost to new
collaborations. Online channels enhance engagement and are powerful enough to influence all other channels of customer engagement effectively. Transactions, communication, selling, promotions are now shifting online as it is convenient and saves customer’s time and effort. Or Simply Ecommerce or business
through an online portal is as tangible as through stores and thus needs careful attention.

Business through online sales has consequently increased the need for more product information available in a compact, comprehensive way. Thus accessibility of the information and timely arrival of the product thereof is of critical importance for your business success. Through this blog, we focus on how an optimized online presence especially through website can help your company/business.


Effectively it means how to  

  • Retain customers or attract new leads year-round.

  • Become a successful flourishing business and self churning profitable system.

Rock your 2020 with Customer Experience Management Strategy [3 Step Plan]

Rock your 2020 with Customer Experience Management Strategy [3 Step Plan]

When it comes to Customer Experience, there are a lot of terms that are thrown around like Customer Journey Mapping, Empathy maps, Design thinking, NPS, Customer Centricity and many more but at the end whatever jargon we may hear the ultimate objective of Customer Experience is to provide you with mechanisms so that you ‘Understand your customer and establish a better connect with them’. Engaging to retain and attract more customers.

You will agree that there is no debate needed today to explain WHY “Customer Experience Management “is so critical but it is worth knowing HOW to implement it within your system. It essentially needs a framework that involves policies, people, processes, technology with a seamless integration amongst all to create value for the “Customers”.

How can Customer Satisfaction Studies support Business [5 Critical Ways]

How can Customer Satisfaction Studies support Business [5 Critical Ways]

Do you have a comprehensive Customer Satisfaction program (CSAT program) to enhance and support your business? Your answer can be “ Yes” or “No” , but it makes a compelling case to consider,

-          What are you doing to understand if your product/service is meeting customer expectations and the perceived value they draw from it?

-          Are you considering how occasional feedbacks are helping you to strategize and plan your deliverables? Or

-          Are your Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) studies helping you to gather a holistic picture and insights to create a competitive edge for your business?

-          Are your Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) or feedbacks supporting you to retain your customers?

-          How many customers make a conscious choice of buying from you and making sure that they bring their peers along?

 If your answer to most of these questions is "NO", it's a high time that you consider a CSAT program to support your strategy, decision making, and your business "Unique Value Proposition or USP".

5 reasons why you need “Customer Experience Management”

5 reasons why you need “Customer Experience Management”

How many times customer view/feedback about your product/service help you to enhance sales? Did you ever feel in your work that a personalized connection goes a long way to retain a customer? How many times you felt overwhelmed with information flow and data to use it for your advantage to create an edge for your product/service. If your answer is consistently “No” for above questions, then you need a rethink. Even if your answer is “Yes”, there is a constant learning on customer experience management to use it support your business.

Customer Experience Management is how customers engage with your company and brand, not just in a snapshot in time, but throughout the entire arc of being a Customer. So it’s a customer for you when he is researching for his need for a product/service, and then evaluating a product/service provider followed with sales and after sales purchase.

Every organization irrespective of its size and business are in the CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE business, and how an organization delivers for customers is as important as what it delivers.

We list five major reasons on why your brand/organization needs “Customer Experience Management”.

Read this to know how to have exponential customer base for your new product/portal through Customer Experience!

Read this to know how to have exponential customer base for your new product/portal through Customer Experience!

If you are a part of product startup team, whether you are an area developer or a founder, you find yourselves pulled into a biggest concern and that is finding ways to add good number of users. There is always this constant struggle to choose between investing on the product engineering or branding/marketing. If you are a funded company it gets even worse as we have eyes on quick revenue to justify the cost.

So how do we come about the effective way to grow substantially?

Customer Experience for the big Launch of your Product

Well, the answer is simple; one has to be a stand out in the market, leading the way amongst all comptetitors in their particular product or service stream.

Customer Experience Trends for Organisations in India- 2019

Customer Experience Trends for Organisations in India- 2019

Last two years have been a time of reckoning for organisations in India. From a dull period after demonetisation, GST implementation along with newer challenges spurring in each and every sector, 2018 saw growth enhancing for the organisations to cheer. This is also creating a momentum for customer experience management where organisations have been working to find out what does it mean for their individual journeys when they have customers with more expectations, shorter attention spans who are intrinsically connected all the time and thus communicating more about their experiences.

In this blog, we are summarising some of the Trends for organisations in India which we have accrued over the year while working & interacting with some of the Customer Experience (CX) experts in leading organisations including Start-ups in India. This blog also is summarising the takeaways from a small study entitled “Customer Experience Trends and Practices for 2018” under whose aegis we also shared some insights on our social media pages( on trends/practices that have worked for customer experience management in India.

We found that for most of the organisations in India,



When globally, 75% of companies want to work on customer experience, it is becoming a long term value creation model which is sustainable, equitable and shall build gains for all together.

Top management alignment/greater focus for Customer Experience Strategy

Customer Experience Strategy comes through the customer focused culture. Thus, top management with an infectious attitude towards creating a powerful customer experience can lead a company towards growth and financial success. Forrester reported this year that the top three challenges for a customer experience program include organizational culture (54%), organizational structures (45%), and processes (41%), and thus more focus on internal customer.



Customer Experience Management through customer insights supports evidence based decision making to create value both for the customers and the business. In this digital age, Customer insights become more valuable as it aids to further the engagement and deepen the relationship between the organization and the customer.

Customer insights can support your business,in