Our research published at Intechopen

Our latest research is published with Intech, a leading open research books platform . The research is on how sustainability can be enhanced through greater customer engagement. Customer engagement needs inclusion in organisations and is relatively undervalued as a tool to drive continuous improvement in supply chains. Sustainable supply chain through customer engagement aids improved customer/stakeholder retention or loyalty resulting to economic development, positive image building, innovation and better resource utilisation. Please click the link below to read the complete research.


Coverage in Startup India - an online portal

Pink Guava Consulting Services Writing Customer Success stories.

Today’s customer is very aware of his/her needs and more demanding than ever. There are multiple options available and the digital era that we are in expectations are no more restricted to a good quality but also about product/service being trustworthy, fast, relevant and personalized with minimum effort from them in the entire buying life cycle.

It is becoming more and more difficult for providers to retain customers and incurring more and more cost in customer delight, acquiring new customers.

There is only one way customer is going to stay with enterprises. We have to connect to the emotional needs and understand the consumer perspective to build trust. The vendor-customer relationship has to be strong to keep them engaged.

We help enterprises build customer perspective and include outside-in view when defining their organizational strategies for revenue growth and improved customer retention.