90 day Customer Experience Strategy to close 2018 with some Action!
30days - Build your customer story.
Before you want to start make sure you have weighed options of whether you want to drive it internally or hire a third party. Either ways, the objective is to have substantial data and information in hand to know current state and opportunities to grow for an enhanced Customer Experience Management in your organisation.
This is how you get started:
Want to drive it yourself
Conduct or review your recent customer surveys, service logs or CRM data can help you find low hanging fruits.
Talking to employees and listening to reasons causing frustration in their day- to-day work while dealing with customers. Their experience counts in overall customer experience
Hire a Third party
Ask for one of the following approaches to conquer quick results:
Assess your current CX Management maturity levels. Consider this as an audit to your current status on policies, people, products, systems and premises around customer experience management.
Create customer journey maps for critical customersHelps you draw an outside in view and a visual representation to a variance in customer’s actual state and desired state with regard to experience throughout their interaction with your product or services
Release a consumer research program (could include all stakeholders) to derive customer perspective and hear directly from them on what they think could help them experience
60days - Create your CX blueprint
Now that you have examined and understood the current picture, you are at a strong foot to take next step. Take these few steps to move forward:
Elaborate this information and have an insight to identify the opportunities.
Share and discuss with key stakeholders to prioritize and set near term and long term goals
Make it a point to share insights and set the context that is consistent across the board. Also don't miss integrating your customer in this crucial step.
Build a roadmap and get a buy in
90days - Activate your Initiative
Leadership commitment is the key to success of this program. It is very important to assign a program owner/sponsor from senior leadership
Form a task force/action team with a good representation from all departments of the organization and spans across all level.
Create a detailed blueprint with identified action items, owners and timelines
Congratulations! You have ended 2018 with a concrete plan and can begin 2019 on a positive note with your customers feeling valued and teams motivated to be part of success program!